
Monday, January 5, 2009

Dinner Time - Mom Guilt

What's for Dinner?
Written by: Susan Fox

Aren’t you sick of cooking dinner? It does not matter what I make or how long I labor over what I think is a great recipe, at least one person at my dinner table is bound to hate it, even possibly refusing to eat it at all. That is the big problem with dinner. I don’t mind making it so much, it’s just all the stress surrounding deciding what to make. I’m thinking of going to the method of one of my friends who is a busy working mom. Each week there is a cereal night and a soup night. I mean would it kill my family to do that? Can I do it? I mean I don’t know if this would meet my strict standards of mom-hood. I don’t know that I could live with myself knowing that I had only fed my family cereal for dinner. For over 15 years now I have prided myself on well balanced nutritious meals that I have planned for and prepared since at least 9am each morning. Some of them even come from my assortment of Barefoot Contessa Cookbooks. Cereal? Soup? Outrageous!!! But you know my friend's kids are perfectly healthy and happy. She is also calm and relaxed most of the time, and she and her husband are frequently in bed by 9pm. Maybe it’s not a bad idea.

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