
Friday, December 5, 2008

Teaching kids to GIVE

My Children can often get a bad case of the gimmies and I wants, especially during the Christmas Season. So, my husband and I are always looking for simple ways to teach our children to give and serve.

Two opportunities we had this past week to teach our children were:

1. Thanksmission - Our church cancelled all church services last Sunday and held Thanksmission a weekend offering various opportunities for our congregation to serve in our community.

We choose to serve in the filling of 300 shoe boxes that will be sent to an orphanage in Africa. It was fun to observe our two youngest boys excited to fil each box with goodies for these children.

2. Toy/Gift Drive for the Tacoma Rescue Mission - A Mom friend invited us to participate in an annual toy drive that several families host each year. A great opportunity for my children to choose a gift that they will NOT get to keep and play with. INstead have teh opportunity to give to a child who has far less then they do.

Below is a copy of the invitation I received from my Mom friend Betsy to join in this Toy/Gift drive. What a great idea and tradition to begin in your community/neighborhood.

“In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.” -Mother Teresa
Toy/Gift Drive for The Tacoma Rescue Mission

Each year, children who are homeless or on the brink of homelessness go without a gift at Christmas time. A simple gift of a wanted toy or a warm coat can let these children know they are not forgotten.

Please join us again this year as we gather gifts for children served by the Tacoma Rescue Mission. We will be collecting new, unwrapped gifts for children of any age. Our special focus, as in previous years, will be those children ages 10 to 18 who are often overlooked.

In these challenging financial times, we recognize that giving can be difficult. Unfortunately this means that donations to organizations like the Tacoma Rescue Mission may be down at a time in which the need is greatest. This makes our efforts that much more important.

The details…

When: Friday, December 5th from 5:00 to 8:00 PM
(You may drop to one of us ahead of time if needed)

Where: Mike and Betsy Moore’s House
2411 88th St. Ct. NW in Gig Harbor.
(253) 857-2607

Come by for a quick hello or hangout for a cup of hot chocolate by the fire pit.

Suggested donations (Please bring only new unwrapped gifts/All gifts are tax deductible)

For girls: make-up, hair clips, jewelry, clothes, CD players, journals, purses, etc.

For boys: sports balls/equipment, CD player, clothes, hand held video games, wallets, etc.

For either gender: warm coats (this request came up repeatedly), socks, gloves, hats, scarves, and backpacks. You may also donate money by making a check out to the Tacoma Rescue Mission.

Christmas Blessings,

The Atkins, Moore, Burgess, and Haugen Families

How are you teaching your children to GIVE? Share your ideas with us at 24/7 MOMS by leaving a comment or sending them to

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