
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Swapping the Swap Tree way

Have you ever swapped a book , CD or movie with a friend so that you didn't have to go out and pay full price for it?

I have a new place to swap with my online community of swapping friends - I can swap books, movies, music and video games. So all those no-longer-needed piles can soon be swapped for items on my personal want list, all for FREE. I only have to pay for postage. How cool is that? I can even print postage and shipping labels from the Swaptree site.

It is as simple as 1-2-3-4. All I have to do is List, Relax, Choose and Swap.

Time to de-clutter your piles and your kids' piles and swap for those wanted items, saving you time, money and even a little gasoline. All your swapping can be done right from your home computer and mailbox.

This is just another way we Moms can save money and enjoy the things on our want list. So go get swapping! Who knows, maybe we will be swapping items with each other.

Tell the 24/7 Moms about your swapping adventures. Leave your comments here on the blog.

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