
Friday, June 6, 2008

Trisha's Friday Favorites

Here are my top MOM favorite picks this week:

My Favorite Book of the week:

7 Things He’ll Never Tell You… But You Need to Know by Dr. Kevin Leman

Every time I read a Dr. Kevin Leman book I smile and laugh my way through. Maybe it’s because his humor reminds me of my husband, or that his wife and I seem to be a lot alike. Then again, it could be that we both have 5 children. Whatever it is, I know that I enjoy reading his books. This week I started one of his newer books, 7 Things He’ll Never Tell You… But You Need to Know. I am already laughing and smiling at the many truths this book is revealing about my husband. (He keeps asking why I am laughing while I am reading in bed!) Can you relate to this question:

What do researchers tell us about when men prefer to have sex?A. Any day, any time
B. At the beginning of the day
C. At the end of the day
D. All day
Answer: Men don’t need a time, just a place.

Get your copy of this book today and find out for yourself that all you have to do is tap into some simple, basic things Dr. Leman says “and he’ll do anything to please you.”

What is your favorite marriage book?

My Favorite Summer MOM Tool:

Summer heat is on the way, and when it arrives my kids gobble up boxes of popsicles.

Growing up my mom used to make us homemade popsicles using those Tupperware molds. So, of course when I became a mom, I, too, purchased a Tupperware ice pop mold set. Unfortunately mine has gone missing (must have gotten buried in the sand box last summer). So I have begun surfing to purchase a new popsicle maker kit, and I found a couple really fun ones over at - I purchased the Rocket ones for my kiddos.

Blue Rocket Pop Molds by Tovolo

Set of 6 molds that create rocket shaped popsicles using your own juice or other liquid. They even feature built in sticks and drip guards.

Green Shooting Star Pop Molds by Tovolo
Set of 6 molds that create star shaped popsicles using your own juice or other liquid. Featuring built in sticks and drip guards.

What is your favorite summer MOM tool?

My Favorite New Tradition:

I just purchased two copies of the Dr. Seuss book Oh, the Places You’ll Go to use as a new tradition with my two youngest boys (Caleb and Nate-no). My plan is at the end of each school year to have their school teacher write a little note inside the book to them. When they graduate from High School I will present the filled book to them and allow others to sign it at their graduation party.

I came up with this idea as I was looking at the copy ofthis book given to my #1 son(Stephen Jr)when he graduated from Kindergarten. The giver had signed the book with a little note to him. It’s too late to now to have all of Stephen Jr's teachers sign his copy - he graduates from High School next week. But, there is still time for a new tradition for the 2 youngest boys. Now to just remember to have their teachers sign it each year...

What is your favoritetradition?

My Favorite Proud MOM Moments:

As a MOM we often have those proud and not-so-proud moments in our parenting journey. Some we share and then there are some we wish we could hide, only they happened right in public view.

It has been quite the week and month for the Novotny kids, so as a proud MOM who, like you, loves sharing the accomplishments of her kiddos, I thought I'd share some of those moments with you. Maybe next week I'll share the not-so-proud moments (depends on how not-so-proud they are).

1. #1 Son was accepted to attend Western Washington University fall of 2008. It was the only college he applied at so we were holding our breath, as 9,400 students applied for 2,600 spots. WHEW!

2. #1 Son graduates on June 15 with both his High School graduation diploma and his first College degree - Associates in Arts and Sciences. Yes, we are very proud that he accomplished this while a High School student, especially since he would rather be skate boarding or snowboarding than studying.

3. Shelby, our High School Sophomore, was selected as Junior Senator for her High School.

4. Shelby was accepted into Nursing Camp this summer - a program at our local hospital that receives double the applications then they can accept. Her dream is to be a pediatrician.

5. Savannah, our 8th grader, made the Competition Cheerleading team for Gig Harbor High next year. She is still on cloud nine.

6. Savannah was selected to be a Freshmen Senator for her High School next year .

7. Caleb has become the mighty Little League slugger. He is convinced that using his older brothers' hand me down bat is perfect for him (it's too big for him) but it seems to work every time.

8. Nate-no has accomplished the rings on the monkey bars. Yes, he can now swing all the way across them. This is huge when you are a kindergartner on the school play ground (we had to stop at the school 3 times last week just so he could show me).

So, as you see, I have had a few Proud MOM moments. I know, now you are going to look next week to see if you can read about my not-so-proud mom moments, which I am sure are soon to follow. Kids are kids, RIGHT????

Share your Proud Mom moment or Not-so-proud moment this week
24/7 MOMS, What was your FAVORITE this week?


  1. Great mommy moments! Congrats!

  2. Trisha,
    I LOVE the "Oh the Places You'll Go" book idea. You amaze me with all your great ideas and resources! Many congratulations to your whole clan for all their great accomplishments, what a wonderful reflection on you and your husband :-)

  3. Congratulations to all of your children!

    I had a proud mom moment when my almost-two-year said "tha'k yoo," unprompted, to the relatives we were visiting.
