
Friday, May 23, 2008

Trisha's Friday Favorites

I have some FUN Friday Favorites to share with you – Comment back and share your Friday Favorites!

My Favorite Magazine of the week:

Every other month I patiently wait for my copy of Today’s Christian Women to arrive in my mail box. I faithfully read it cover to cover . It is full of great articles, the latest new recommended books to read, new music artists and so much more. I feel so in the KNOW after I have read my bi-monthly copy.

You can also get a FREE inspiring and informational newsletter sent to your in-box by going to Christiananity Today and subscribing

I found a GREAT subscription rate for you - $7.18 for a one year subscription at using discount code SH60.

My Favorite New Ice Cream of the week:

I felt like I was 6 years old again when I took my first bite of this new flavor of ice cream by Tillamook. While at the grocery store this week I spotted Tillamook’s new featured flavor - Bubble Gum. So, of course, having 5 kids I knew they would think I was the coolest mom if I bought it ( not that I wanted any). So, into the basket it went .

Once home I offered Nate-no an ice cream cone after informing him of my newest find at the grocery store. I was right - I was the coolest mom, and he and I had our first taste. MMMM YUM is the best way to describe how it tasted. Now, if I could just STOP eating spoonfuls of this pink Bubble Gum ice cream...

My Favorite Product of the week:

I am a CLEAN freak which makes me not a happy wife when I walk into the bathroom and find my awesome husband's toenails flying through my bathroom as he sits on the edge of the tub clipping away. Some how the toenail clippers mysteriously disappeared (honestly, I did not hide them), so he asked me to pick up a new one at Target. This week, while on my weekly Target trip, I found the PERFECT toe nail clippers for the clean freak wife – Revlon’s Toenail clippers with a clippings catcher.
Happy Clean Freak Wife, Happy Toenail Clipping Husband.

My Favorite EMAIL of the week:

One of our 24/7 MOMS, Kim, shared with us on the Yahoo group that she got these daily emails right in her in box that she just loved. So, I quickly went online, checked it out and signed up so that I would not miss one more day without these awesome daily devotionals –
“Girlfriends in God Daily Devotions”
They are FREE, inspiring, quick to read, and thought provoking.

Sign-up today and get your daily dose of Girl Friends in God Devotions

My Favorite EVENT of the week:

Our Queen of Drama (Savannah) performed this past weekend in Guys and Dolls at our local Gig Harbor Paradise Theatre. WOW - what a great show these Triple Threat students put on. The equality of acting and singing was amazing.

If you have a local theatre in your area I encourage you to take your family and attend their performances. I am sure you will be in awe at how wonderful your local theatre programs are. (Your children may beg to begin their acting career as well.)

Our Drama Queen never stops to amaze us with her ability to get up in front of a crowd and act, sing and dance. However, she is also like her Dad - always ready to move on to the next adventure in life and make a whole new batch of friends along the way. So, next week she will be trying out for the Gig Harbor High School cheer squad. I think I am more nervous for her than she is.

Don’t forget tell us your Friday Favorites

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