
Friday, May 16, 2008

Trisha's Friday Favorites

It’s Friday and I have some GREAT Mom favorites to share with you –

My Favorite FOOD of the week:

Have you tried the The new Wild Animal Crunch cereal by Kellogg’s ? WOW - is the best way to describe it, my youngest child Nate just can not get enough of this new yummy cereal.

I was given the opportunity or should I say Nate was given the opportunity o try out a box of his cereal by MOM Central and Kellogg’s and it was well worth their time and effort to send us a BOX Nate not only began devouring it but also invited one of the neighbor kids to taste it, and of course he TOO loved it- I even caught him sneaking in the kitchen to snag another handful. So, my little guy is already a WOM advertiser ( word of mouth).

Nate’s first response after one bite was WOW this is sooooo good - if he were writing this blog he would probably tell you to run to the store and buy your kids their very own box and if you happen to have some extra money please buy him another box to.

Check out for more information about Wild Animal Crunch and their partnership with the animal planet

My Favorite FREEbie of the week:

Freebies 4 mom shared a yummy freebie this week a free sample of Teddy Grahams.
The question is once they arrive in my mailbox who will eat them me or one of my children. Go to and get your free sample sent to your home. Also be sure to check out for more great freebies

My Favorite Blog of the week:

This week’s blog is definitely one that I subscribe to and receive updates in my in-box.

The author and creator is my good friend and one of our very own 24/7 MOMS Team leaders - Tanya Peila . She is a very talented lady both in her photography, graphics and her fun writing style.

You too can join and get her daily updates.

My Favorite Celebration of the week:

My #1 Son ( Stephen Jr.) turned 19 TODAY sniff sniff…Yes I have officially been on the mom journey for 19 years – and I can now honestly say that he words of those women who told me they would grow up faster then I could imagine were RIGHT – oh I remember thinking the days are NOT going fast enough will he ever be potty trained, will he ever sleep thru a night, will he ever get rid of the binkie ( he was 4) - I do remember saying he would accomplish all these things before he leaves for college and I was RIGHT. #1 Son will be graduating for High School on June 15th and leave in the Fall to attend Western Washington University – fully potty trained, sleeping through the night with NO binkie..I DID IT I survived …..The question is did he survive me?

Today we celebrated with A family breakfast , Caleb my 8 year old decorated his brothers bathroom mirror (his very own idea) , we gave him little gifts all day and tonight we will go to the restraint of his choosing – (Famous Dave’s BBQ) – “Stephen I am a very proud MOM of the Great Man (kid) you are.”

My Favorite SONG of the week:

“Seasons of Love” from the musical RENT is a song that makes me stop and ask myself how am I spending my time as a Mom, Wife and Friend? How am I spending my 525,600 minutes each year?

Do I stop what I am doing when my #1 Son calls and wants to meet for lunch? Am I too busy to stop and have spontaneous fun with my kids ? Is my calendar to full that I cant find time to have lunch with a girlfriend? Do I set time a side to still Date my husband ?

I am sure we could all use a reminder to STOP and evaluate how we are spending the 525,600 minutes we have each year .

Ask yourself Am I making a difference in the lives of others ? What is REALLY important? Is my calendar to FULL? What can I delete out of my busy life? How do I measure the legacy that I am leaving behind ?

"There will be NO regrets taking TIME to be with others, only regrets of the TIME we don’t”

Mark Twain said "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do……Explore, Dream, Discover”

Listen as the RENT cast performs “Season of Love” in this music video:

Leave a comment and share your Friday Favorites with the 24/7 MOMS

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoy your Friday Favorites!! I was wondering how you were handling Stephen turning 19 yrs old. It seems like yesterday that I was waiting for you at camp only to find out you had to take him to the ER to get a stitch in his finger when he was just a few months old.
