
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Time Waster Time Saver Thursdays

It’s Thursday and Time for another Time Waster Time Saver Idea

Time Waster: If I were to choose one area that I waste some of my precious time - it would have to be surfing the internet , I am sure I could justify all of my clicking from blog to blog and web site to web site but in all reality it can SUCK my time up if I am not careful. What is your TIME WASTER? Chatting on the phone for endless amounts of time, those weekly even daily TV shows you can’t pull your self away from or maybe its reading junk mail and skimming thru catalogs that you will never even order out of.

We can easily get caught up in our time waster habit not even realizing how much time we have actually lost..

Time Saver:
I have TWO ideas of how to capture back the wasted time we are losing.

1. Set a Timer and limit the amount of time you use on your habit

2. Do TWO things at once – Such as wear a head set while chatting on the phone so you can fold laundry, clean out a drawer or cupboard, cook dinner etc while on the phone. Or While watching TV fold laundry, organize your receipts, clean out your purse etc. - always think what else could I be doing.

What is your time waster ? How do you save time? Comment and share it with the 24/7 MOMS.

1 comment:

  1. My biggest time waster is the internet, and most of it I can't justify based on running a blog! How do I help myself break away? I turn my computer off! It takes so much time to turn it on, log in, bring up firefox, etc, that I don't usually want to bother after that!
