
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Time Saver Time Waster Thursdays

Welcome back to Time Waster Time Saver Thursdays.

This week I have a simple on the go Time Saver that I have been using even while on vacation this week during our day trips.

Time Waster: Do you find yourself sitting at Dr. Appointments, dance lessons, swim lessons or other waiting situations with nothing to do but watch the clock tick away and your to do list growing?

Time Saver: Use a tote/book bag to take a long those projects, books to read , bills to pay, notes to write or other items on your to do list that you can accomplish while waiting. I also have a tote bag that I place items in that I’d like to read or projects to work on that are NOT time sensitive so that it is always ready to go for those times I have not gotten my to do while waiting bag packed.

How do you save time while on the go as a MOM? Comment and tell us.

See you next Thursday for another Time Waster Time Saver Tip.

Trisha Novotny

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